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Liberia Pure Honey and Liberia Pure Coconut Oil are social enterprises that focus on triple bottom line accounting - social, environmental, and financial. We take a holistic approach to business knowing that all the stakeholders in the supply chain are valued for the important contributions they make.


Our Holistic Approach to Business

The triple bottom line means that the Liberia Pure family considers three components of success: social, environmental and financial, versus a traditional business approach that focuses on a single bottom line of “profit” or “loss”. The goal to create a balance between these three elements within Liberia Pure ensures that the businesses have a positive, sustainable impact for everyone involved.

Liberia Pure is dedicated to providing Liberian farmers with access to additional income-generating opportunities by focusing on creating a strong market for honey and coconut oil and providing farmers with easy access to this market. We add value to the farmer by providing this market at the farm gate, which lessens the financial burden of transport and the risk of spoilage. For the farmer, this means more money in their hand at the end of the day which they can then spend on the priorities of their families and communities.


We believe that education and the sharing of knowledge are essential for growth. In support of this value, profits from Liberia Pure are invested in targeted industry growth and educational programs in Liberia.

Liberia Pure Honey puts its profits towards providing motivated farmers with beekeeping training programs. We draw on an Afrocentric, internationally recognized beekeeper training program that takes farmers from the most basic level of knowledge to capable beekeepers that can independently operate their own apiary.


Liberia Pure Coconut Oil is working towards training people in Liberia’s coconut growing region to produce high-quality cold-pressed coconut oil. As our business develops, we want to see Liberians succeeding as well. Our goal is to one day see Liberia recognized as a producer of high-quality coconut oil on both the local and international market. In addition to this, Liberia Pure Coconut Oil is committed to donating its profits to the after school resource centre, Strive, in Paynesville, Liberia. 


Liberia Pure takes into consideration its environmental footprint on the planet. The more farmers who adopt beekeeping from hives instead of honey hunting—a process that involves burning hives to access honey—means that fewer trees are cut down, fewer forest fires are started and fewer bee colonies are destroyed.


Our coconut oil production is very much the same. We make oil out of coconuts that would have otherwise gone to waste, and our cold-pressed extraction system is an environmentally friendly process that requires no chemical inputs.


Liberia Pure is designed to ensure that all stakeholders benefit financially. We focus on paying fair market prices for our inputs while also ensuring that staff are treated equitably and with respect. We also aim to keep our value chains as local as possible so more people in Liberia will prosper as these businesses grow.

Contact Us

Liberia Pure


Montserrado County,


Tel:  0777 746 639



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